Hermes™ is a customizable
money transfer electronic platform,
supporting Western Union™ money transfer services
as well as other payment services
fast • easy • safe money transfer worldwide
HERMES™ supports the Western Union™ money transfer platform.
Western Union™ is the leader in the Money Transfer industry. It operates since 1852 in 200 countries, with more than 500,000 POS worldwide. Are you a Western Union master agent starting business ? Hermes™ provides a comprehensive solution to manage and automate every aspect of your day to day Western Union™ money transfer business.
HERMES™ can integrate with WUPOS™
If you are already a Western Union™ master agent using WUPOS™, then you can benefit from Hermes™ business control, rich back office functionality and customer support features. Please contact us for more info.
HERMES™ supports domestic transactions
HERMES™ supports independent, non Western Union™ domestic transactions. You can benefit from the full Hermes functionality while your customers perform local Outbound and Inbound money remittances in your point of sales network.

Money Transfer Worldwide


Money Transfer


Services Support

Services Support


Maximize your money transfer business control
Five distinct modules to support your day to day money transfer business
Full business financial control : reconciliation with Western Union files, commissions calculation
Full control of business rules and parameters
Customer support specialized screens
Multi currency support
English & Local language support
Grow your money transfer business
Easily expandable to face your growing network of subagents
Business model supports retail chains as well as franchisors
Fast remittance execution ensures smooth transaction volume increase
Reduce your operating costs
WEB based, no installation required
Java implementation leads to reduced infrastructure costs

- Conduct money transfer service
- Online and offline communication with Agent help desk
- Daily balance report
- Detailed transaction diaries
- Information tools for customer support
- Transactions processing is automatic or can be first manually approved by Agent Helpdesk when specific criteria are met

- Online transactions list monitoring for all points of sales
- Point of sales assistance during their daily operation
- Tools for transaction status inquiries
- Option to approve or decline the transaction
- Online and offline communication with point of sales
- Fraud reporting and monitoring
- Agent operators’ performance reporting

- Point of sales financial activity online monitoring
- Point of sales activity blocking facility
- Point of sales daily limit increase facility
- Financial reporting
- ERP bridges submission and control
- Financial settlement with Western Union

- Upper management reporting
- Sales reporting
- Budget control report
- Dynamic report generator tool for ad-hoc reports generation
- Sales oriented geographical segmentation

- Management of all point of sales operational, security and financial parameters
- Management of system parameters
- System calendars and points of sale calendars

Fully WEB based – no client software installation is required
Written in Java 2, HermesTM is portable across all popular server platforms (Linux, Microsoft)
Uses Spring framework
Implementation based on the MVC design pattern. Data model and presentation layer are totally separated
SQL server database support integrated
Core transactional system contains business logic rules and can be accessed by various money transfer channels
Fast operations
Scalable architecture
HERMESTM uses industry security standards
Client module access is restricted by IP address
contact us
Do not hesitate to contact us!
If you are you a Western Union master agent wishing to upgrade your money transfer system, or to extend WUPOS™ capabilities please contact us.
We are looking for committed partners worldwide that can provide their existing or future customers with the “Hermes” solution, in an ultimate and professional way.
You can act in your region either:
as an “Hermes” Reseller, in order to promote the “Hermes” product to existing or future customers, or
as an “Hermes” Local agent, that not only promotes the product, but can provide a high quality of first level local support, or even
as an “Hermes” Solution Partner, to provide a customized solution based on the “Hermes” product.